
What are girls made of?

What are girls made of?

Made of breezes and summer storms,

Of February flowering and warm, 【广州&深圳】

Of snow and tales and long boats, 【哥本哈根】

And of Aurora’s dance off the coast. 【特罗姆瑟】

What are girls made of? 

Made of diamond and pine needles, 【斯摩棱斯克】

Of hornbills, butterflies and beetles, 【马瑙斯】

Of apples red and roses white, 【纽约/约克】

Of emerald glossy and pearls bright. 【西雅图/上海】

What are girls made of?

Made of fire and stone,

Persistent and strong, 【君士坦丁堡】

Of lighthouses and books, 【亚历山大港】

And of armor, horses and horns. 【布达佩斯】

What are girls made of?

Made of their dreams,

Free and adventurous,

And of songs of the world,

And all things marvelous.


